John Foster | Accidental Mysteries

Accidental Mysteries

Accidental Mysteries is an online curiosity shop of extraordinary things, mined from the depths of the online world and brought to you each week by John Foster, a writer, designer and longtime collector of self-taught art and vernacular photography. “I enjoy the search for incredible, obscure objects that challenge, delight and amuse my eye. More so, I enjoy sharing these discoveries with the diverse and informed readers of Design Observer.”

Editor's Note: All images link to their original source and are copyright their original owners.

Posted in: Accidental Mysteries

Comments [8]

I don't mean to nitpick, but I used to look forward to this feature and its predecessor because they presented genuinely obscure visual tidbits I wouldn't have come across otherwise. A drawing my Munch and Neil Young giving a live performance aren't obscure, accidental, or mysterious.

Hi Dan, Neil Young (1971) — worth anyone's price of admission to Accidental Mysteries. And Munch—always good to see his masterful lines once again. One thing for sure with AM—you never know what you are going to get. I really do appreciate your comment though.
John Foster

Great Neil Young performance. I thought it was there to to give some context to (or hint to the theme of) the image above, and the series of images in general?

I agree with Tim. I appreciate the care taken in picking images that represent lines in the song, in particular, "Old man, I'm a lot like you" and "Rolling home to you". Maybe I'm reading too much into this but I see it as a music video but with still images... nicely done.

I always enjoy the juxtaposition - everybody knows something about something, and the familiar (to some) images next to those that may be unfamiliar (to some) provides new context. Old Man Neil may be old hat, but listening to him while looking at butterflies, clouds, or railroad chains might reveal an accidental mystery.
Mike Borgsdorf

Thank you for the Neil Young clip!
Ricardo Cordoba

I used to enjoy following the trail back to the sources in the previous iterations of this feature. They were often revealing and provided more insights into the makers.
Now they are mainly dead ends, frustrating 'designer' images with no context. Much like contemporary design practice.
Can you do a better job please or hand the reins back.
r francis

hey it was really a nice and helpful post.
Keep posting for ever...!!!

Vikash Kumar

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